When accessed from the ? icon, the Help screens display in a separate window from the main
part of the Atlas. If the window does not appear, it may be
behind the Atlas window. When you first bring up the a help window,
try positioning the help window so it overlaps
only part of the Atlas window.
The bar at the top of the screen helps you navigate through the CD.
Each icon provides access to a different part of the CD.
The Help icon on the upper left is a key to understanding the
atlas. Use it frequently as you are becoming familiar with different
parts of the atlas. It explains the background of each screen and
the meanings of colors on different maps.
Clicking on the icon for "Intro" takes you
to the introduction, background, and table of contents for the atlas project.
It gives you an overview
of what to find in this CD and shows the organization of the help screens. The
"Intro" section includes definitions of the terms used throughout this CD.
The CD organizes and presents information about birds as drawn
from the Oregon Breeding Bird Atlas project (1995-1999),
the Breeding Bird Survey (1968-1999), and the Lane County
Breeding Bird Atlas project (1983-1986).
The Oregon Breeding Bird Atlas project is the majority of this CD.
Our presentation is structured around three themes: Species, Hexagons,
and Habitat -- and their interrelationships.
The Species theme presents a snapshot of each of 275 species of birds,
giving a description of the breeding status of the bird, a list of
observations reported to the atlas project, maps showing the distribution
of the observations, maps showing the coarse distribution of habitat
possibly suitable for the species, and a graphic plot of dates of
breeding activity.
The Hexagon theme provides access to an enlarged map of each hexagon
showing locations of major roads, streams, selected geographic
features, and roads covered by project participants,
as well as a list of species found there by the atlas project.
The Habitat theme includes a map of the statewide distribution of
each of 63 habitat types, one or more photographs of the
habitat, a description of the plant communities found in the habitat, and
a list of bird species associated with the habitat.
The Breeding Bird Survey provides maps and data showing the results of
Breeding Bird Survey routes conducted in Oregon. This section covers all
of the surveys run in Oregon, dating back from the late 1960's through
the 1999 season.
The Lane County Atlas section provides maps and data showing the results
of the Lane County Breeding Bird Atlas, conducted 1983 - 1986.
Clicking on the "Methods" icon takes you to the section
that explains how the atlas was put together. It
explains the hexagons and squares as survey units, the meaning
of confirmed observations, the species that are included, and
the breeding codes that categorize the observations.
The "Results" icon takes you to the section
that summarizes results from the atlas.
The "Environ" icon takes you to supporting environmental
data, such as rainfall and temperature.
Clicking on the "Thanks" icon takes you to a list of all persons
whose reports contributed to the project, as well as those who
assisted in other ways.
Clicking on "The Future" section takes
you to a summary of important data gaps, and suggestions for
ways to continue contributing your observations of breeding birds.